sahan karana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest सहन करना sahan karana news and headlines :
1. शक्ति के इस्तेमाल के पहले सहन करना जरूरी है bhaskar.com2. दिन के साथ रात में भी तापमान बढ़ने से नागरिकों को देर शाम तक भी गर्म हवाओं के झोकों को सहन करना पड़ा bhaskar.com3. ' क्रिकेट मैचों पर भी सहन करना पड़ती है छींटाकशी बरकतउल्ला विवि में करीब 1500 कश्मीरी स्टूडेंट्स पढ़ते हैं

Given are the examples of hindi word sahan karana usage in english sentences. The examples of sahan karana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., bear, abide, suffer, tolerate, endure, hack, withstand, put up, digest, stomach, stand up to, resist, toleration, stick out, stand, thole.

Plants and trees bear fruit in different seasons. So, people may have moved from season to season in search of different kinds of plants.पेड़ों और पौधों में फल-फूल अलग-अलग मौसम में आते हैं, इसीलिए लोग उनकी तलाश में उपयुक्त मौसम के अनुसार अन्य इलाकों में घूमते होंगे|

It is generally seen that individuals in an organisation resist change as it often means moving from a familiar, secure environment into a newer and more challenging one.
The major problems with observational methods are that the observer has little control over the situation and the reports may suffer from subjective interpretations of the observer.
If aggregate output level, price level, or employment level, in the different production units of an economy, bear close relationship to each other then the task of analysing the entire economy becomes relatively easy.
A typical capitalist enterprise has one or several entrepreneurs (people who exercise control over major decisions and bear a large part of the risk associated with the firm/enterprise).
What a thunderclap these words were to me! Oh, the wretches; that was what they had put up at the town-hall! My last French lesson! Why, I hardly knew how to write! I should never learn any more! I must stop there, then! Oh, how sorry I was for not learning my lessons, for seeking birds eggs, or going sliding on the Saar! My books, that had seemed such a nuisance a while ago, so heavy to carry, my grammar, and my history of the saints, were old friends now that I couldn t give up.
Generally, people have a tendency to resist changes in the organisation.
The Constitution makers, however, were worried that in an open electoral competition, certain weaker sections may not stand a good chance to get elected to the Lok Sabha and the state Legislative Assemblies.
In a SC reserved constituency only someone who belongs to the Scheduled Castes can stand for election.
?? Smaller parties and independent candidates suffer a huge disadvantage compared to bigger parties.
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